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I graduated from the University of Aberdeen in 2014 with a BSc in archaeology. I have always had a desire to find out more about our complex histories. My main interests are prehistory, archaeology, curation and archaeological science. I am passionate about making archaeology accessible and inclusive for all.

I have been a volunteer for the Buckinghamshire County Archaeology Service and an assistant leader at the Young Archaeologists Club. I have contributed to local excavations and

their reports, as well as worked as a research assistant to senior research

fellow at University College London (UCL).

All of our services are tailored to the needs of the participants, every effort

will be made to ensure that an inclusive and fully accessible experience is

achieved. We provide learning resources, workshops and other services

in the formats which are suitable each participant.

Victoria Reid is dressed in animal skins on the bank of the Pahkakoski lake at Kierikki Stone Age Centre, from her time in Finland.


You can contact us by email at:  info@accesstoarchaeology.co.uk